When We Dead Awaken - BBC Radio Drama - listened 12.4.24 (4/5)

Henrik Ibsen (1826-1906) wrote his last play in 1899. A rather depressing tale involving Rubek, a celebrated sculptor, now spending his days handling commissions for rich society patrons, and his newish wife, Maia, who are on holiday at a Norwegian Spa resort. Both are bored with their marriage, he particularly regards his life and career as over, and his existence futile. By chance, he meets Irena, who used to be a model and muse for him. She equally regards her life as over since they parted, and even suggests she has killed all her lovers, husbands and children since. Rubek wishes to rekindle his relationship with Irena - she inspired him to do good work, and they both take a walk into the local mountains. Maia meets a local hunter - rough in ways - and visits his hunting lodge, also in the mountains. The hunter is depressed, Maia is intrigued but repelled, but bored with Rubek. The play ends with all four caught in the mist on the mountain, possibly leading to their deaths.
As a play on the meaning of life and death it is intriguing, but depressing. You despair for the characters, who have much, but regard their continued existence as pointless. They all have an intense desire for life, but not for the life they are living. With Rubek's attitude to his work (his significant achievements are behind him, and the sculptures he is doing now are just "hack work"), there are many parallels with Ibsen's attitude to his last few plays, and his obvious awareness of his own mortality.
When We Dead Awaken (Norwegian: Når vi døde vågner) was adapted for radio by Ian McDiarmid from the translation by Michael Meyer. Cast included Ian McDiarmid, Stella Gonet, Melody Grove, Sandy Grierson and John Dougall. Produced by Gaynor Macfarlane. Broadcast 31 March 2024.