What I have been listening to - May 2024

Grieg: Holberg Suite, Ballade & Lyric Pieces
The rarely performed piano version of Grieg's famous Holberg Suite, Op. 40. Subtitled "Suite in olden style" (Suite i gammel stil), it consists of five movements based on eighteenth-century dance forms, and was written in 1884 to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Dano-Norwegian humanist playwright Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754). Coupled on this CD with Grieg's Ballade, Op. 24 (Variations on a Norwegian Melody), and some of his Lyric Pieces (Lyriske stykker) part of a collection of 66 short pieces for solo piano published in 10 volumes from 1867 to 1901. Andrey Gugnin (piano). CD released May 2024.
Florence Beatrice Price: Songs of the Oak
Enjoyable CD of the orchestral music of Florence Price (1888-1953), the "rediscovered" African American composer. Disc includes the Concert Overtures #1 and #2, the "Songs of the Oak", Colonial Dance and, her famous Suite of Dances (the orchestral version - it was originally scored for piano). Her work with spirituals is wonderful stuff. Tragedy is that Florence heard little of her music actually performed in her lifetime. Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen, conducted by John Jeter. CD released November 2022.
John Adams
A set of Adams works from different eras - Slonimsky's Earbox, My Father Knew Charles Ives, Tromba Lontana and Lollapalooza - clearly demonstrating the vast range of musical influences that have been incorporated into Adam's wonderful music. I also caught an excellent BBC "This Cultural Life" interview with Adams, which gave further insight into his musical education and ideas. Tonhalle Zürich conducted by Paavo Järvi. CD released September 2022.
Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 1 'A Sea Symphony'
I watched an interview with Sakari Oramo about the Sea Symphony, courtesy of the Vaughan Williams Society, and decided to re-visit this superb recording of RVW's 1910 masterpiece. Oramo focused on the Walt Whitman poetry and the words, with maybe some reference to the growth in shipping occurring at the beginning of the 20th century. For me it is just wonderful expressive music. This performance from Elder and the Hallé clearly demonstrates its power and energy. Katherine Broderick (soprano), Roderick Williams (baritone). The Hallé, Hallé Choir, Hallé Youth Choir, Schola Cantorum of Oxford, Ad Solem, conducted by Sir Mark Elder. CD released September 2015.
Without Sinking
Mostly electronic music from noted Icelandic composer Hildur Guðnadóttir (b. 1982). Interesting but to be honest not very approachable when presented in a disc such as this. Participating on the album are fellow Icelandic musicians Skúli Sverrisson and Jóhann Jóhannsson as well as her father Guðni Franzson. A noted cellist, Guðnadóttir has received numerous awards and accolades for her film and television music, including a Golden Globe. Hildur Guðnadóttir (voice, zither, cello, synthesizer programming), Jóhann Jóhannsson (organ), Skuli Sverrisson (bass guitar), Guðni Franzson (clarinet, bass clarinet). CD released January 2020.
Jüri Reinvere: Ship of Fools
CD from Estonian composer, theologian, philosopher and poet, Jüri Reinvere (b. 1971). Three pieces "And Tired From Happiness, They Started to Dance" from 2018, "Concerto for 2 Flutes, Strings and Percussion" from 2016 with soloists Maarika Järvi and Monika Mattiesen, and "On the Ship of Fools" from 2023. On the ship of fools is inspired by the key phrase of a 16th-century novel: Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur (The world seeks to be deceived, therefore let it be deceived). "People deceive each other on Facebook and Instagram", comments Reinvere. Hard music to follow - occasional moments of joy and ectasy, often fairly monotonic. Estonian Festival Orchestra, Paavo Järvi. CD released May 2024.