Turning Point: First Folio - BBC Radio Drama - listened 21.11.23 (3/5)

Without the efforts of William Shakespeare's fellow actor managers, John Heminges and Henry Condell, the majority of his plays would have been lost to posterity. This BBC radio drama reimagines how the printing of the First Folio collection of 36 plays in 1623, eight years after William's death. might have come about. It was played for laughs, with characters including a scheming Puritan London printer, his stage struck daughter, her suitor the printers apprentice, a transvestite highwayman, a lecherous old knight, and Shakespeare's ghost. Apparently all of the characters really existed, with the exception of the daughter and probably the ghost! The story was however rather fanciful, and in construction mirrored a bad Elizabethan melodrama. It was though very funny, however, the most interesting and factful part of the drama was the tavern discussions between Heminges and Condell around how much of the text of each of the plays was actually Shakespeare's work, and how much was either "committee" written, or amended to meet the running time or staging needs of individual performances. The proportion of the first folio that was "authentic" is highly debatable, even if William's ghost was directing the typesetting from beyond the grave!
Cast included Hannah Traylen, Christopher Jordan, Jos Vantyler, Ricky Oakley, Paul Kemp, Ben Castle Gibb, Alex Constantinidi and Miles Richardson. Written by Mike Harris. Produced and directed by Clive Brill. First broadcast November 2023.