Turning Point: Behind Beyond the Fringe - BBC Radio Drama - listened 13.8.23 (5/5)

The comedy revue "Beyond the Fringe" was supposedly the point at which it became acceptable in Britain to publicly lampoon politicians, the upper classes and most of all members of the establishment. Dudley Moore, Peter Cook, Alan Bennett and Jonathan Miller were all either students or recently ex-students, and came together on a contract for £100 each to do one week at the 1960 Edinburgh Festival. The success of that show led to it's tour and transfer to London, and the careers of the four performers then took off. This BBC radio drama describes how it came to be, and the challenges that Johnny Bassett the Festival Deputy Director had in making this brilliant but poorly disciplined group work together. It was very very funny, and the repartee between them was hilarious. I had also forgotten what a talented musician Dudley Moore was. In the years that followed we had "That Was The Week That Was", David Frost, Robin Day and Paxman! Cast included Patrick Walshe McBride, Ian Dunnett Jnr, Matthew Durkan, Tom Durant-Pritchard, David Reed, Hasan Dixon, Samuel James, and Rhiannon Neads. Written by Jeremy Front and directed by Sally Avens. First broadcast August 2023.