The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton. Read 13.12.23 (3/5)

My brain hurts. A totally mad story involving time travel, body switching, murder mystery, and a 1920s upper class weekend party that is as corrupt and amoral as anything dreamt up by Christie or Sayers. Basically our hero finds himself with complete amnesia in a forest near a stately home. It turns out that the daughter of the family is to die that evening and his participation in the weekend party is part of an elaborate outside plot to try and solve the murder. However the events of each day just repeat on a loop, and he inhabits a different party guest body every cycle, giving him multiple chances to observe events from different perspectives. Although clever in concept, the story is long, tricky to follow given the permutations of people, timelines and events, and has an ending that is totally unexpected. I sort of enjoyed it, but found it a little over long and rather frustrating, with, to be honest, rather too much unnecessary blood and violence. This was a big bestseller when released in 2018, with multiple awards.
Read on Kindle. Published February 2018.