The School for Scandal by Richard Brinsley Sheridan - Royal Shakespeare Company - 25.7.24 (3/5)

Royal Shakespeare Company at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford upon Avon. Directed by Tinuke Craig, designed by Alex Lowde. Music by Ellie Verkerk. Cast included: Stefan Adegbola, Jessica Alade, Omar Bynon, John Dougall, Riess Fennell, Siubhan Harrison, Emily Houghton, Wil Johnson, Yasemin Junqueira, John Leader, David Mara, Tadeo Martinez, Shazia Nicholls, Yasemin Ӧzdemir, David Partridge, Geoffrey Streatfeild, Jason Thorpe, Tara Tijani and Patrick Walshe McBride. First performance July 1777. This production July 2024.
This was very pink - mostly pink staging, pink costumes, lots of pink props - also very hard pink, sort of bubblegum pink really. Having heard the Radio 3 effort recently I was well familiar with the story, and apart from a few "sensitivity changes" (the money lender Moses was no longer Jewish and had became "Morehouse", and the role of slavery in creating Sir Oliver's fortune was expunged), the RSC stuck to both plot and dialogue closely. It was really just a clever 18th century romp, and the cast were all obviously having a lot of fun with it. Conventional restoration costumes which were very elaborate - notably the dress worn by Charles Surface when he was being louche with his friends! The attempt to paint modern parallels with gossip, social media, scandal etc. really were not that effective, so I just viewed it as a good production of a noted Restoration comedy. The play ended with an epilogue from Maria reminding the audience that all the enjoyment and scheming we’ve seen is a distraction to our own lives and to make sure we live our own lives with enjoyment.

Matinee - Dress Circle B23