The Invention of Essex: The Making of an English County by Tim Burrows - read 24.6.24 (3/5)

I am technically an Essex Boy. Born in London, but raised and schooled in the County. Tim Burrows is likewise, and now lives near Southend with his wife and family. This entertaining book is part history and part social commentary. It looks at how mostly South Essex developed in the early 20th century, handled the implications of London over-spill, built some very successful new towns, and led to the creation of the TOWIE phenomenon in the last few years. Entertaining, but given it's title rather over-focused on the band of towns and villages bordering the Thames from West Ham to Foulness. I enjoyed reading it, but got a little annoyed by his excessive coverage of the external (mostly media) perceptions of the County.
Published June 2023. Read on Kindle.