St Mary's 900 - A Musical History, da capo choir - St Mary's Warwick - 1.7.23

Collegiate Church of St Mary, Warwick. da capo (a capella chamber choir) directed by John Adams. Narrated by Michael Maloney.
Enjoyable evening of music galloping across nine centuries since the founding of my parish church in 1123. Actor Michael Maloney, who performed a similar role for the Armistice Day concert in 2018, narrated the proceedings and described how liturgical music has evolved over the years and the da capo choir sung examples. They started with Gregorian Plainchant, moving through early polyphony, the Renaissance, the Baroque, and then the Classical and Romantic eras. We had excerpts of music including the ever popular "Anon", Hildegard von Bingen, Tallis, Byrd, Purcell, Bach, and more recently Elgar, Holst and Howells. It was a very well put together concert, and I suspect everyone present learnt something about how music has evolved during the Churches long history.