New Mystery Plays - BBC Radio Drama - listened 28.5.23 (3/5)

A set of five Old Testament stories recast to modern day London. The story of the Creation is transposed as the recovery of a victim in a coma, the Flood becomes a violent storm set in Neasden, the flight of the Egyptians is a tale of old folks in a nursing home rebelling against the cost cutting attitude of their matron, Samson and Delilah become two sixth formers (with she an apprentice hairdresser (get it!)), and David and Goliath is a gang warfare battle. The Lord (or at least His Angels) appear in several of the plays - telling the assistant in B&Q to build an ark, and Samson's hairdresser mother to let his hair grow and never cut it. The first, the Creation, was maybe the weakest, with a dedicated nurse and a distraught father dealing with small signs of recovery in a child involved in an accident. The story of David & Goliath told as a inner city teenage gang fight was however all too believable and chilling. I do find this type of recast of biblical tales very compelling and powerful, and this was very much so. The stories were by Sean Buckley, Lin Coghlan, J Parkes, Katie Hims and Roy Williams. Cast included Alex Tregear, Jonathan Forbes, Sean Baker, Harper Bone, Sally Orrock, Stuart McLoughlin, Joanna Monro, Sam Dale, Nyasha Hatendi, Sally Orrock, Sue Porrett, Jane Whittenshaw, Sandra Voe, James Alexandrou, Katie Angelou, Claire Rushbrook, Jerome Holder, Anthony Welsh, and Osy Ikhile. Directed by Jessica Dromgoole. First broadcast April 2011.