Nanaville: Adventures in Grandparenting by Anna Quindlen - read 7.7.23 (5/5)

Lovely book. A treatise by a very proud Grandmother into the joys and pitfalls of grandparenting, that most wonderful stage in life that since last October I have happily found myself sharing. Bluntly her message is that you (and your spouse) must acknowledge that the parents come first, your opinions are only welcome if requested, your help is gratefully received only on condition that you play by their rules, and that as time is short you must take every opportunity you can to be part of your grandchildren's life. I especially liked Quindlen's acknowledgement of what a joy it is to discover that your child is actually a really rather excellent parent. Given by my daughter and 8 month old granddaughter as a Father's Day present.
Published April 2019. Read in paperback.