Monteverdi Vespers of 1610 - Armonico Consort - St Mary's, Warwick - 22.6.23

Armonico Consort and Baroque Players, featuring the English Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, conducted by Christoper Monks. Geoffrey Webber - Organ. Monteverdi: Vespro della Beata Vergine.
Beautifully atmospheric performance of the Monteverdi Vespers in my church, St Mary's Warwick. This is wonderful repertoire for this semi-professional choral choir based in the UK Midlands, and the church surroundings enhance the properties of what fundamentally is music to accompany an act of worship. The choir incorporated young people from their junior "AC Academy" ranks, who did an excellent job in the Sonata Sopra "Sancta Maria". The soloists, drawn from the choir ranks were all first class. Hot evening in Warwick, but filled with lovely music.