Minuet - BBC Radio Drama - listened 27.4.24 (4/5)

BBC radio drama exploring the rather sad story of the possible love affair between 18th century novelist Jane Austen and Irish trainee barrister, Tom LeFoy. They supposedly met in December 1795, and their courtship continued over the year during which Pride and Prejudice was written - he was possibly the inspiration for Mr Darcy. The relationship was not to be, with Tom's Aunt interfering to stop any plans for marriage; Jane being an unsuitable match for her nephew. LeFoy became a noted politician and judge, and served as an MP for the constituency of Dublin University in 1830–1841, Privy Councillor of Ireland in 1835–1869 and Lord Chief Justice of Ireland in 1852–1866. A fictional account of their relationship is at the centre of the 2007 film "Becoming Jane", and this 1999 BBC radio play explores the same story. Jane remained unmarried and died at the age of 41 in 1817, and LeFoy travelled from Ireland to England to pay his respects to her. LeFoy died in 1876 at the age of 93. Lovely play, and the 18th century dialogue is gorgeous. Written by Harriet O'Carroll. Cast included Helen McCrory, John Light, John Rowe, Paula Jacobs, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Frances Jeater, Tilly Gaunt, Giles Pagan and Harry Myers. Directed by Cherry Cookson. First broadcast December 1999.