Mediocre White Male - BBC Radio Play - 16.4.24 (3/5)

The fictional but historic tourist attraction of Lander Castle has a ghost tower, and a jobbing actor is employed to play the ghost of one "Sir Fulke Treville" who, aged 48, was murdered in the 17th century by his teenage bride, before she threw herself off the battlements to her death. The actor doesn't have a lot to do as the minutes tick down to closing time, so he muses on his past, and in particular recent events relating to the suicide of his ex-girlfriend. His life, now aged 30, is at a dead end, but his school mates have all gone on to better jobs, university etc. It turns out that his relationship with the girl was abusive, she was under age, he over 20, and the trauma of his behaviour caused her to take her life. He basically tries to justify everything to himself - how he behaved, how he really loved her etc. As the story develops, the nature of his actions becomes ever clearer, and his justifications ever more tenuous. The parallels with Sir Fulke in the 17th century are clear, and the actors inability to understand the unacceptability of his behaviours and attitudes is highlighted by a succession of complaints about him to the Castle HR department by teenage female employees. Very powerful way of illustrating the self pitying mindset of an abuser, and how many men feel confused in the face of a modern attitudes and norms they don’t fully understand. Written by Will Close and Joe Von Malachowski. Performed by Will Close, with additional parts played by Rhiannon Neads, Kitty O'Sullivan, Josh Bryant-Jones, Tyler Cameron and Will Kirk. Produced by Sasha Yevtushenko. First broadcast February 2024. Originally a stage drama. Inspiration I suspect came from Warwick Castle, down the road, where Sir Fulke Greville does haunt a tower - his portrait is below.