Iolanthe (or the Peer and the Peri) by Gilbert & Sullivan - English National Opera - 7.10.23 (4/5)

Comic opera in two acts by WS Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan. First performed in 1882. English National Opera at the London Coliseum. ENO Chorus and Orchestra conducted by Chris Hopkins. Directed by Cal McCrystal. Designed by Paul Brown. Cast includes Samantha Price, Ellie Laugharne, Catherine Wyn-Rogers, Marcus Farnsworth, John Savournin, Ben McAteer, Ruairi Bowen, Keel Watson, Clive Mantel and Adam Brown.
My favourite G&S operetta, the totally ridiculous story of Parliament being hijacked by Fairies to address the love between the Arcadian Shepherd (and half Fairy) Strephon, and the young Ward of Chancellery, Phyllis. Very full matinee house on a warm October Saturday in London. A few delightful and lovely touches, including the member of the House of Lords who bore a very striking resemblance to Boris Johnson, and quips about ENO's current tussles with the Arts Council. I also enjoyed the singing pantomime horse, and there were various digs at the current "Conserve-a-tive" government. The Head of the London Fire Brigade at the time of composition, Captain Sir Eyre Massey Shaw KCB (17 January 1830 – 25 August 1908), although a non-singing (or really appearing) part, was on stage to advise the Coliseum House of the fire regulations and to make lots of jokes about ticket prices, performance quality and the like. Wonderful collection of fairies and peers of all shapes and sizes played by the ENO chorus who were clearly enjoying themselves a lot. ENO does G&S very very well - and I enjoy it very much.