Can You Tell Me the Name of The Prime Minister? - BBC Radio Drama - listened 11.6.24 (2/5)

Science fiction play set in the aftermath of the General Election of 2010. Psychiatrist, Liz De Souza, is summoned to a secure Government unit to interview two patients with apparent psychosis. They are seemingly identical twins both called Mal - one happy although bewildered, one furious and angry. There follows a strange tale where neither seem to have any recollection of the last few years of British political life and a lack of awareness as to the true outcome of the election. They go on the run, helped to escape by the staff of the unit, until eventually recaptured. It turns out that they have been pulled from a "parallel universe" by a malfunction of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. In one of these parallel universes Tony Blair won the 2010 election, and didn't support the invasion of Iraq. Liz tries to argue that the "happy" Mal has a benevolent effect on the people he comes into contact with, and should be spared - the powers that be disagree, and they are returned to whence they came by reversing the problem with the collider. Very silly, with some somewhat cack-handed political messages about the Blair Government, and the UK political system. Written by Martin Jameson. Cast included Amita Dhiri, Suzanna Hamilton, Jude Akuwudike, Tony Bell, David Seddon, and Christine Kavanagh. Directed by Jeremy Mortimer. First broadcast May 2010.