Boy Friends: A Memoir of Joy, Grief and Male Friendship by Michael Pedersen - read 17.7.23 (3/5)

In 2018 poet and author Michael Pedersen's friend, Scott Hutchison, committed suicide. Hutchinson was a Scottish singer, songwriter, guitarist and artist, and prone to depression. They had known each other for only a few years, but had a close platonic male friendship centred on music, literature, wine, and various shared vacation experiences. This book consists of a series of letters Michael wrote to Scott after he died, celebrating everything that was good in their relationship, expressing unbearable grief, and looking back to previous male friendships that Michael had after school, during work and travel. It was well written, amusing in parts, desperately sad in others. Whilst at times Michael came across as self indulgent and not very nice to know (especially when discussing his drug habits), I was moved by the evident depth of his love for his friend. I have buried several of my close friends (I do a good line in eulogies), and the core message that you shouldn't take any of these relationships for granted is well made.

Published July 2022. Read on Kindle.