Assisted - BBC Radio Drama on 4 - listened 12.7.24 (3/5)

Radio play exploring the implications of an all powerful AI assistant in the home. Jordan is a bit of a pillock, but is very focused on discipline, control and self improvement. His girlfriend, Connie, besotted with him, but enjoys the odd glass of wine rather more, and would love children. Connie moves in with Jordan and his AI assistant Olivia, who steadily assumes greater control over every aspect of their lives. Connie eventually leaves, unable to cope with Jordan's controlling personality, or the level of intrusion presented by the AI. Jordan is left alone with the all powerful Olivia, who, taking control of his shopping, cleaning and much else of his life, ensures he never needs to leave the flat or meet other people ever again!
I enjoyed this, although clearly Jordan and Connie were incompatible, and his behaviour was close to psychotic. The sophistication of home AI is, and remains, nowhere near the level presented in the programme and won't be for some time to come. The danger of over reliance I suppose will, one day, become a problem. Interesting ideas though, although I find the idea of linking your home AI to a stool analyser to advise you on diet changes rather creepy! The play was amusing but a bit silly.
Cast included Tamsin Greig, Emma Wilkinson-Wright and Jude Owusu. Written by Greg Wilkinson, and produced by Sarah Lawrie. First broadcast July 2024.