As You Like It by William Shakespeare - Holloway Theatre, Stratford - 14.8.24 (3/5)

As You Like It by William Shakespeare. Royal Shakespeare Company. The Holloway Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon. Cast: Luke Brady, Ned Derrington, Peter Dukes, Trevor Fox, Natasha Magigi, Chris Nayak, Christina Tedders, Letty Thomas, Susannah Van Den Berg, Rachel Winters and Duncan Wisbey. Directed by Brendan O'Hea. Designed by Liam Bunster. Music composed by Catherine Jayes.
I last sat in the summer outdoor theatre at Stratford during the COVID pandemic, and enjoyed very much a performance of A Comedy of Errors. This wasn't so great. Partly because it was raining which never helps, and partly because the staging and cuts to the text (down to 80 minutes) made it less endearing. A simple, marine blue (why???) painted stage and backdrop, the cast in variety of costumes, and a leading man with a foot injury which made the wrestling scene a little bizarre. So an interesting experience, but maybe not a suitable setting for this interpretation of the gender swap comedy. Surely at least we could have had a pot plant or similar standing proxy for the Forest of Arden?? Musically good, with all of the cast playing a jazz instrument providing a relaxed summer vibe, albeit with a wet stage!