Armonico Consort - St Mary's Warwick - 27.1.24 (3/5)

Armonico Consort directed by Christopher Monks. Francesco Scarlatti: Daniele, Miserere Mei. GF Handel: Dixit Dominus.
Francesco Scarlatti (1666-1741) was the "unknown" Scarlatti - much less famous than his brother Alessandro or his nephew Domenico. He left few works, all of them liturgical settings. Christopher Monks and Dr Geoffrey Webber have unearthed a lost Scarlatti score, 300 years old. A piece based on the biblical story of Daniel in the Lions Den. Interesting, but not actually very exciting. The chorus has little to do, and there is a lot of recitative telling the rather embellished story in Italian. No idea why written, or if ever performed previously, so this might be a world premiere! However things are often left to obscurity for a reason! Excellent performance of the Handel Dixit Dominus, the setting of Psalm 100 composed when Handel was just 22 and living in Rome, possibly for a coronation of some sort. The concert got a 4 star review in The Times.