Armonico Consort - Mozart Great Mass in C Minor and Bach Magnificat - 13.4.24

St Mary's Church, Warwick. Armonico Consort directed by Christopher Monks. Mozart Great Mass in C Minor K.427. Bach Magnificat in D BWV243.
The Mozart Great Mass in C Minor was written in 1782/83 just after Mozart's marriage to Constanze Weber, against his fathers wishes. It was incomplete at his death (as was the Requiem), lacking the Angus Dei, much of the Creed, and some of the orchestration of the Credo and Sanctus. A partial performance took place in August 1783, with Constanze as one of the soloists. Modern editing has made the work performable, and it is wonderful stuff. Coupled at this concert with JS Bach's Magnificat - the canticle of the Blessed Virgin Mary - written in 1783 for the Christmas Vespers in Leipzig. Although a relatively short work it is powerful and moving music. Armonico Consort performed both superbly, with a large and appreciative audience.