A Matter of Life and Death - BBC Radio Drama - listened 21.10.23 (4/5)

The 1946 film "A Matter of Life and Death" starred David Niven as Squadron Leader Peter Carter. Carter is returning from a bombing mission over Germany in 1945, when his Lancaster is badly hit by enemy fire over the English Channel. His crew have all bailed out, but he has no working parachute left. He prepares to die, has a brief radio call with an American radio operator, June, and dictates a final letter to his mother. Carter however doesn't die, but finds himself washed up on the beach in Kent. He is able to locate June, and romance ensues. Up in heaven (or the "other place") panic has ensued - Carter should have died, but the Angel sent to retrieve his soul couldn't find him in the thick fog over the channel (!). The celestial records are now all wrong, and the accountants want it corrected. The heavenly messenger/bureaucrat goes down to earth to meet Peter to explain the mistake and ask him to accompany him back to the after life. Peter, not surprisingly refuses, saying he now has a future ahead of him with June. Peter is allowed an appeal in front of a jury up in heaven, with his advocate the doctor who has been treating him on earth (who has in the interim died in a road accident!). He is up against a jury and barrister who all have hatred for the British empire, and use Peter's war record to argue that his no right to ask for longer life - his country and he have denied it to so many for so long. June is called as a witness, and offers to take Peter's place in heaven - the jury convinced that this is true love uphold his appeal, and he and June live happily ever after. In 1999, A Matter of Life and Death was placed 20th on the British Film Institute's list of Best 100 British films, and it ranked 90th in The Sight and Sound Greatest Films of All Time,
This BBC radio adaption of the film had a few changes to the plot - for example the original advocate for the prosecution was an American killed in the war of independence, however on radio he was a victim of the Indian Raj. It was however well done, and I enjoyed it. The depiction of heaven as an accountants paradise was lovely, and the challenge of war - namely too many people dying overwhelming the celestial book keepers and causing queues at St Peter's gates was very amusing.
Cast included Will Tudor, Lydia West, Geoff McGivern, Miles Jupp and Jonny Weldon. Other roles played by Alix Dunmore, David Benson, Jack Lane, Dan Starkey and Justice Ritchie. Written by Ben Cottam, and adapted from the film by Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. Produced and directed by Simon Barnard. First broadcast in two parts in October 2023.