A Christmas Carol - BBC Radio Drama - listened 24.12.23

Having once again re-read (as I do annually) Dickens' Christmas classic, I decided to listen to this 1965 BBC radio adaption of the story, starring "theatrical titan" Ralph Richardson. It was very good, based very closely on the original text (albeit shortened down to an hour), with little of the modern changes found in recent adaptions on both stage and the radio. Richardson was both the narrator, and Scrooge, with minor parts for others, so it was very much a "one titan show". I loved spotting what they decided to cut - the detail of Scrooge's return home from school, or the games in the parlour of nephew Fred's house, for example. However it all worked very well. Starring Ralph Richardson, Frederick Treves, Mary Wimbush, John Ruddock, Wilfred Carter, Ralph Truman, Bruce Beeby, Shelia Grant, Eric Anderson, Jo Manning Wilson and Rosalind Shanks. Music composed and conducted by Christopher Whelan. Adapted and Produced by Charles Lefeaux.